How To Change Your Probation Conditions in Maryland for the Better

February 2, 2012 Christopher Peretti 0 Comments

Honestly, no one likes to be on probation. Most people would rather be placed on probation than be in jail, sure, but no one actually likes to be on probation. Despite being ordered to be on probation for a period of time, there is always a possibility that someone can ask the court to improve their conditions of probation or shorten their probation length, if they’ve been successful on probation.

I’m on probation now. Can I get my probation conditions changed?

First off, you might at least consider appealing your case if you are not happy with the result, and you still have time to do so. You can also file a motion for reconsideration which allows you to revisit the case at a later date and have the judge change the sentence, which would include any conditions of probation that were originally ordered. If the time has passed for both of those, you can always file a motion to amend probation conditions. By law, after giving the defendant an opportunity for a hearing, a judge can modify any condition of probation or alter the length of probation. The downside is that the judge can impose additional probation conditions or increase probation, though if you are on the right track, this is unlikely.

If you’re on probation now and would like your probation conditions changed, contact our office at 301-875-3472 for a free consultation. We can assess your situation and work with you to determine the best route to take. We can also help advise you on what to do before asking a judge to change your probation conditions, how to put your best foot forward in front of the judge, and how to increase your chances of success. Because let’s face it, the judge gave you these probation conditions for a reason–we can help get you on the right track to address that reason, and then get you back in front of the judge when your situation has improved.